In this procedure, we increase the size of patent foramen ovale{PFO that is present in middle of the atrial septum,septum that is present between upper chambers of the heart} by putting a stent across it especially in neonates who is having thick and non-pliable atrial septum. Thickened septum is not amenable for dilatation by using balloon so stent is used in these cases.

This is done in cases where proper mixing is required for maintaining the blood oxygen level in acceptable limits. This is seen in few cyanotic heart diseases like transposition of great arteries with restrictive PFO etc.

Generally, this procedure has to be done under general anesthesia as newborns are sick most of the times.

For putting a stent, we use angiographic technique in which we take vein in leg (femoral vein) and then we park a suitable wire in one of the pulmonary vein. On this wire, we put a balloon mounted stent across the septum with the help of guiding catheter.

Size of stent is to determine by thickening of septum and diameter of left and right atrias.

This is not a final procedure and act only as temporary measures till final surgery can be done in near future.

Sometimes, septal stenting is carried out in cases of severe pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH, management of pulmonary artery hypertension) with low cardiac output where it acts as a pop-off form right side to left side of the heart and so we can improve the quality of the life of the child.

Inter-atrial Septal Stenting