Interventional Pediatric Cardiology
- Best ASD Device Closure in Delhi
- Best VSD Device Closure in Delhi
- Best PDA Device Closure in Delhi
- Management of Ruptured Sinus of Valsalva (Device Closure of RSOV)
- Coronary Fistula Device Closure in Delhi
- Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty
- Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty
- PDA Stenting in New born in Delhi
- PA Stenting in Children in Delhi
- Balloon Atrial Septostomy (BAS)
- Coarctation of Aorta Stenting in Children
- Interatrial Septal Stenting (IAS Stenting)
- Pericardiocentesis
- Coarctation of Aorta Balloon Dilation
- Coil Closure of Collaterals
This is the most common modality for closure of PDA now a day. Surgical treatment for closure of PDA is rarely advised. It is mainly reserved in preterm newborns.
Almost every PDA can be closed in cath lab by using a device with good outcome. This will not produce any scar marks over the body and stay in the hospital is also less as compared to surgical method.
There is no need of any tablet or syrup after this closure.
After assessing size of PDA and its hemodynamics, we shift the child in cath lab after routine investigations.
After sedation the patient, we took vein and occasionally artery in leg.
We sometimes do dye injection in aorta for defining the PDA. After defining the PDA, we pass catheter and wires from the vein into PDA and then pass a delivery system through the PDA.
Then we load the device over the device cable and then deploy the device across the PDA.
After confirming good device position on echo and fluro, we release the device and after releasing the device, again see the position on echo.
Now a day with latest technology, this procedure is having a good success rate.