Interventional Pediatric Cardiology
- Best ASD Device Closure in Delhi
- Best VSD Device Closure in Delhi
- Best PDA Device Closure in Delhi
- Management of Ruptured Sinus of Valsalva (Device Closure of RSOV)
- Coronary Fistula Device Closure in Delhi
- Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty
- Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty
- PDA Stenting in New born in Delhi
- PA Stenting in Children in Delhi
- Balloon Atrial Septostomy (BAS)
- Coarctation of Aorta Stenting in Children
- Interatrial Septal Stenting (IAS Stenting)
- Pericardiocentesis
- Coarctation of Aorta Balloon Dilation
- Coil Closure of Collaterals
Traditionally, VSD (ventricular septal defect) is closed by open heart surgery on bypass machine.
With advancement in cath lab procedures, now a day few VSDs can be closed without cardiac surgery.
VSD that can be closed in cath lab are: Muscular VSD, peri-membranous VSD, Gerbode defect etc.
After careful assessment and planning, VSD can be scheduled for closure in cath lab by putting a device under fluoroscopy. We sedate the child before proceeding the case.
For closing VSD in cardiac cath lab, we go through the leg vessels that are connected with the heart.
After doing left ventricle angiography, we profile VSD and keep this as a road map for putting a device.
After crossing the VSD, we deploy a button device (either ADO 1, ADO 2 etc devices) across the VSD.
Sometimes, in few cases, we need to make an arterio-venous loop by a snare (snare technique) for deploying the device.
Child will be given only aspirin tab for six months and he/she is fit for school activities early.
This is a unique treatment of VSD as will not produce any scar over the body.
Success rate of this is high.