It is the defect in septum, situated between 2 atrias.

Types of ASD

Ostium secundum atrial septal defect (OS-ASD) is the most common type of ASD. Other types of ASDs are Ostium primum defect, coronary sinus defect, sinus venosus type of defect in atrial septum.


Majority of children are asymptomatic. As majority is asymptomatic, ASD can be easily missed in early childhood. On careful examining the child, we can hear some abnormal sound in left upper chest area.


ASD can be suspected clinically and diagnostic modalities for ASD are ECG, chest X-ray but confirmatory test is by doing echocardiography (ECHO) from chest of the child.

ECHO is a non-invasive test and it is not painful to the child. This test generally takes 5-10 minutes for completion.­

In older children, sometimes another modality of ECHO is required names as transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) that needs to be done by putting an echo probe through the food pipe.

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