There is a great vessel in heart known as “pulmonary artery” which supplies blood to both lungs. Pulmonary artery has a valve. When there is an obstruction at the level of valve, it is known as valvular pulmonary stenosis. Valvular…
Continue Reading→Treatment of valvular PS depends on its severity and age of presentation. In Valvular pulmonary stenosis, treatment of choice is to do ‘’Balloon dilatation of pulmonary valve’’. Newborn babies with severe/critical pulmonary stenosis: Urgent balloon dilatation of pulmonary valve…
Continue Reading→It is the defect in septum, situated between 2 atrias. Types of ASD Ostium secundum atrial septal defect (OS-ASD) is the most common type of ASD. Other types of ASDs are Ostium primum defect, coronary sinus defect, sinus venosus type…
Continue Reading→There is no role of medicines in closing the ASD. Ostium primum, sinus venosus or coronary sinus type of atrial septal defects can be closed only by surgery. Only ostium secundum (OS-ASD) with good rims around the defect can be…
Continue Reading→Congenital heart diseases are the heart diseases that are present at birth. These can be in the form of holes in the heart, abnormalities in great vessels, abnormal vessel connections, coronaries anomalies, vessel obstruction, valve anomalies etc. Types of CHDs:…
Continue Reading→Management of acyanotic congenital heart diseases (#ASD, #VSD, #PDA, #RSOV, #coronary cameral fistula) depends on the type of diseases. Acyanotic heart diseases (those without bluish discoloration of lips & fingers) can be managed by medicines or surgery or cardiac cath…
Continue Reading→There may be an obstruction or narrowing in cardiac valves or vessels (severe aortic or pulmonary valve stenosis or coarctation of aorta; congenital heart disease). These can be treated in cath lab by inflating a balloon across the valve or…
Continue Reading→Newborns those require interventions are generally sick and require NICU care including ventilator support. In cyanotic heart diseases with restrictive PFO with d-TGA, PFO can be opened by using a balloon (Balloon atrial septostomy, BAS). Sometimes, instead of using balloon,…
Continue Reading→Kawasaki disease is a disease that affects skin, mouth, and lymph nodes. Most commonly affected age group is around 5 years of age. Etiology of this disease is not known. Kawasaki Clinical Features Clinical features are divided into 3 groups: Acute…
Continue Reading→This is a rare disease in pediatric age groups. Causes of DCMP Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery (ALCAPA), myocarditis common causes include viral infection with coxachie, echo, HIV, measles, mumps and rubella etc. Sometimes, cause is familial with…
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